Starting school is a milestone for children, parents and carers. For most parents and carers, it can bring up a mixture of emotions. It maybe that you are worried about what your child may experience at school, whether they will like the learning, their teacher and will they make friends.
You may have some nerves around meeting the other parents and understanding the school routines. Maybe you are experiencing some sadness over the end of an era and the transition into a new one.
If you can take some time for yourself to acknowledge these feelings. Starting something new can bring up apprehension, worry and sadness for many people so you are not alone. I wanted to share some thoughts and tips on somethings that might be helpful during this time.
First day
If you can speak positively to your child about starting school and prepare them for what they can expect.
Holding back any tears if you can until after you have dropped your child off as it may not be helpful for them to see you sad.
Find some time for self-care, if you are not working then perhaps go for a walk, or coffee. If you are heading to work let colleagues know so they can offer support and understanding.
Adjusting your time
It may feel like there has been a gap left. It is natural to wonder how you will fill your time. Perhaps it may bring up concerns about the next step.
It may mean you need to adjust working patterns, to adjust managing the school day.
Time for you
It could mean that there is some time to spend on you. Self-care is important perhaps it will help to be able to exercise, pursue hobbies, socialise.
Time with your child
It is likely your child will be tired after school so some time to rest and recharge is important.
Try to resist the urge to ask too many questions about your child’s day, perhaps an open conversation can be helpful.
Spending some time with your child to have fun and play can still be part of your day. This will help to relax you both.
Wishing you the best for your transition and self-care during this time.
If you do find you are struggling during this time, please get in touch to see how we can work together, counsellingwithsarah0@counsellingwithsarah
#selfcare #lifetransition #startingschool #counsellingwithsarah