The inner critic can be a powerful, misplace voice. It can be unhelpful in many ways impacting on self confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness.
Are you listening to your inner critic ?

The inner critic can be a powerful, misplace voice. It can be unhelpful in many ways impacting on self confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness.
Who cares ? Caring for someone else is looking after the needs of another person when they are unable to do it for themselves. This can take many forms such as looking after a parent or grandparent that suffers from
I believe it is important to understand that anxiety is a normal emotion which we can all experience. There are many life events that can lead to anxious feelings such as exam pressure, relationships, starting a new school, university, or
The safety of your child is a natural worry, wanting to protect your child from harm and so nothing bad happens. The worries range in their nature, perhaps you worry about them getting physically hurt in some way or their
Parents Mental Health Day is on Friday 27th January 2023 and the theme this year is around building family resilience. I have a passion for supporting parents and carers and wanted to take a few moments to share some thoughts.
I wanted to share a few thoughts on something a lot of us do …. Assume. Assumptions can become unhelpful, even paralysing. Assuming something can be feeding a worry, or perhaps it may stop us asking for support. Assumptions can
Having been brought up to be highly independent the idea of seeking support from others feels a bit alien. I realise I do not need to ‘take it all on’. When I find I am saying “this seems to be
I wanted to speak about carers as it is Carers week in the UK (7-13 June). Caring for someone else is looking after needs of another person when they are unable to do it for themselves. This can take many